Posts Tagged ‘math’
Random math and rigging links
As I dig into various methods and procedures for CG work, I find little bits of information I keep referring back to. Other times it’s just a random slice to get me over a hump. I trust if you found this, you’ll find it helpful.
General concepts:
- Closest pair of points problem
- Euclidean vector
- Matplotlib examples
- Linear algebra
- Maya rigging wiki 3d-math
Math in 3D:
Maya concepts:
Art, Science and Technical Blogs:
- Brave Rabbit
- CG Monks
- Chad Vernon
- Creature Rigs
- Cult of rig
- Jeremy Ernst
- Lee Dunham
- Marin Petrov
- Melinda Ozel
- mGear Framework
- Nathan Horne
- Red 9 Consultancy
- Rigging Dojo
Maya gems:
- Quickly retrieve vertex positions of a mesh
- Figuring out the maya python api
- Tutorial skinWeights
- Maya python querying soft selection
- Closet point edges to locator
- Membrane
- Fit B Spline
- Poly Duplicate And Connect
- Poly List Component Conversion
- Copy Deformer Weights
- Skincluster weights in maya
- Mesh locator
Tools and repos:
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